Got a Question?


When is your shop open?

We do POP UP SHOPS to sell our pottery, our space is more for classes, but if you are in there for a workshop you are welcome to purchase something too!

Do you have a physical store for pottery?

We do have a studio, but it is used workshops and classes for students and members. We have pop up shops, which are listed on our Homepage if you are interested in purchasing pottery.

When are Open Studio hours?

Open Studio is for current students and studio members to play and practice when there is not classes. Since we do more workshops and classes, it varies depending on the month. With there being different times of classes each class session, go to the home page for specifics!

What should I wear?

Things you can get messy! It does come out in the wash most of the time, but just to be safe we suggest being comfortable and wearing what you don’t mind getting dirty. Also, potter’s use their hands all the time! We suggest trimming your nails before you come or it will be mighty hard to work on some of your projects.

How long does it take to fire my work?

Most times it takes 4-8 weeks for workshops. Clay is a finicky thing… We do our best to fire work as often and as quickly as possible. But sometimes it takes longer than we’d hoped ( or expected ). Once your work is fired, we promise we’ll email you as soon as it’s ready to be picked up! 

Do you offer makeup classes? 

There are no makeups classes, however there are open studio hours all throughout the week! If you let us know in advance you will be missing a class, a teacher can be available to help you learn what was covered in class during open studio hours. It will not be a full lesson, but a helpful hand when you come in. 

Are you taking commissions?

It depends on the artist! Send us an email at or fill out our contact for so we can see if we have bandwidth for your project.


Are you teaching classes right now? How do I sign up?

Yes! Our classes are in sessions, based on the current season, for example our Summer Classes are currently up and running. If you are interested in joining a class, sign up for our Newsletter below so you can get an email about when the next release date for classes will be. A release date will be a time and day we put classes up so everyone has a fair chance to getting into one! In the meantime, our workshops are a one time experience to get your hands in some clay and see if the wheel or hand building are for you!


Are you taking new members?

Right now we are committing to growing our current group well, which means we cannot take any other members at the moment. If you are interested please fill out the form on the homepage and we will let you know when there is an opening available!

How do I cancel my membership?

Don’t know if you still remember your account info when you first signed up for your subscription as a member, you can click this link to get there - Where to cancel your subscription!


what if i can’t make it to a class/workshop?

Check out our cancellation policy here.

Morehouse Studio Release 

Anyone coming to take a class will either be using a quickly spinning pottery wheel and/or sharp tools and agrees that there are certain risks because of this, which they will be responsible for. Morehouse Studio is released and discharged from any loss, injury, or damage that comes from a student’s participation in the class or during studio time. All students agree to hold Morehouse Studio harmless from any and all claims, causes of action, damages, judgements costs or expenses including reasonable attorney’s fees and other litigation costs which may in any way arise from the student’s participation in the classes or workshop.